Feng Shui 0/0
"Things were not going well when Kim came into our home for a Feng Shui consult and it totally has changed our lives!" Becky Fox, Cottage Grove, MN The increase in my business has more than paid for my investment in Finding Your Fiji services! "All I can say is wow! Since working with Kim Julen, my increase in business has more than paid for my investment in Finding Your Fiji services. More than that, I feel a calm when I’m in my office I hadn’t felt before. Plus, immediately after making a Feng Shui adjustment for clarity, I organized my desk and have kept it clear since then. Thank you!" Elaine Garley, Minneapolis, MN http://animalbridges.com/ The second showing that happened I had an accepted purchase agreement! "This is my 30th year selling real estate. The hardest part of selling a home is after a loved one has passed away in the home. There feels like there is sadness still present. In MN we don’t have to disclose a natural death to potential buyers. Although some cultures ask and if there has been they have a ritual and then proceed with buying the home. At one of our networking meetings Kim Julen had mentioned she is doing ‘clearing of homes’ as part of her Feng Shui services. The timing was beautiful for me. I had a home on the market that my client’s sister passed away in and we had it on the market too long. Things in the home were never right for each buyer who looked. The price kept lowering. I decided to give this a try. The required actions were simple to do and made sense to me. The second showing that happened I had an accepted purchase agreement. My seller enjoyed the closing listening to the buyers state all the great things in the home they loved when they looked at it. Everyone left there with smiles on their faces and ready to move on." Pam Ott-Morse, Cottage Grove, MN Coldwell Banker Burnet I hung a bell on my patio door 'to call the money back' and found almost $100K! "I have always been interested in Feng Shui and have even tried to apply it to my home and office space myself...although without any great success. When I learned that Kim would come and do a consult at my home, I jumped at the opportunity! I was amazed at the subtle changes and/or fixes that one can make and what an amazing impact it can make. I hung a bell on my patio door 'to call the money back' and just found a 401K investment from a previous employer valued at almost $100K! I also started as an Independent Meeting Planner a year ago and have had a very prosperous first year that ended with a business trip (and mini vacation) to Hawaii in November. My home feels harmonious and I am energized by all the wonderful things that are happening!" Amy-Marie Lemanski, Plymouth, MN Kim's work has had a positive impact- things have changed along with my attitude! “I've been experiencing some positive shifts in my life and many of them are a result of Kim's Feng Shui suggestions. As funny as this sounds, I closed my toilet lid and money has been flowing in a positive way, rather than down the toilet drain. First, I sold my classic VW convertible for a great price that I had been trying to sell for years. Next, I received a longevity bonus at work along with an unexpected 5% raise and an opportunity to become a supervisor which will bring additional income. Further, when you read the angel card for me, my job was going through a major reorganization and I was feeling confused and fearful of the future. Things have changed along with my attitude! Your work has had a positive impact on my life and I really appreciate you!” Rebecca Elder, Monrovia, CA I landed two paid speaking gigs without any effort whatsoever on my part! "Kim came to my home for a Feng Shui consultation and recommended several simply changes. Per her recommendations, I installed a wireless doorbell on the front of the house, and added a wind chime. Since I could not make an immediate change to the front door I added a wreath to make it stand out. What has changed? I've landed two paid speaking gigs without any effort whatsoever on my part - other than a little serendipitous visibility. I was interviewed by the Star-Tribune for a Career Guide before the holidays, prior to our meeting. The article appeared two weeks ago, and they used MANY of my quotes... the upshot is that, without any advertisement, I've had a ton of inquiries from prospective clients! Carmen Croonquist, Hudson WI After only about a week, my phone began ringing off the hook with new work coming in! "I started my business in early 2016. Like many businesses, the early days consisted of a lot of work and finances going out...with not much coming in. A good friend of mine gifted me with the Treasure Box Adjustment from Finding Your Fiji. I set up the adjustment, but did not follow the steps. As an attorney, I am extremely pragmatic and was just not so sure about this gift my friend had given me! About a month passed, and while my business was growing, it was not necessarily doing so rapidly and I had a lot of anxiety about this. I more or less reached a breaking point and decided I was going to commit to the Treasure Box Adjustment. I set it up again, and began following the instructions closing - being sure to set my intention and invite business growth into my life. The results of the Treasure Box Adjustment were nearly instantaneous. After only about a week of doing the adjustment, my phone began ringing off the hook! I began receiving numerous calls to the point I then had to worry if I could keep up with the work coming in! The fact of the matter is that I could sit and try to rationalize how this adjustment, and the other adjustments I have from Finding Your Fiji, work...but the positive impact and results that I have had speak for themselves. I highly recommend working with Kim and Finding Your Fiji! The Treasure Box Adjustment is necessary for any new business owner, or anyone who wishes to change the wealth in their lives." Rachel Shromen www.SchromenLaw.com Angel Readings Kim is the real deal and her intuitive abilities are right on! "Kim is the real deal! She is generous and kind and her intuitive abilities are right on! She has a strong sense of what is helpful to share. Her powerful insights truly changed my life! Kim has the skill-set to help you find your "Fiji" in so many areas of your life. Get started with her now...you certainly won't regret it!" Annalicia Lynn, Mankato, MN www.truthbeautypeace.com Your reading gave me the confidence I needed to take that leap of faith “Your reading really gave me the confidence I needed. Before I saw you, I was concerned about money and if it was the right time to focus on Healing Touch as my practice. Your reading gave me the confidence I needed to take that leap of faith and to also accept whatever support was given. After the reading, I decided to put my energies into starting a practice, and since doing so there have been several interesting, exciting business opportunities that have been presented to me! One just today, as a matter of fact. I cannot thank you enough for giving me clarity and the confidence to pursue my dreams!" Diane Schmidt, Woodbury, MN YOU TUBE ANGEL READING comments "My husband and I are both Libras. I shared this reading with him because it was dead on for one or both of us... the entire reading. You have been blessed with an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing it with us!" - Lindsay "Aquarius is SO GOOD, I may have to listen again!! So bang on and resonant!" - Alicia "Wow! I got so much out of your reading and it was SPOT-ON. Your huge heart and authenticity shines right through." - Josie "I really appreciated the humbleness in your reading and I can say I truly felt the guides and got a better direction in my life. You are spot on! Thank you so much!" - Travisha |